Principal Investigator

Lee Bassett

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering

Office: 362 Levine Hall
Phone: (215) 573-7565

Group Members

Group Members

Yossef E. Panfil

Postdoctoral Researcher

Quantum defects in bulk and nanocrystal semiconductors
Group Members

Amelia Klein

Ph.D. Student, Electrical Engineering

Nanophotonics, quantum optics, metamaterials
Group Members

Jordan Gusdorff

Ph.D. Student, Materials Science & Engineering

low-dimensional materials
Group Members

Robert Broberg

Ph.D. Student, Electrical and Systems Engineering

integration of distributed quantum systems into the existing internet transport
Group Members

Joseph Minnella

Ph.D. Student, Physics & Astronomy

Quantum Computation, Diamond NV- Centers
Group Members

Jeiko Pujols

Ph.D. Student, Electrical Engineering

Spin centers in colloidal materials


NameGroup PositionNext Location
Mathieu OuelletPh.D. Student, Electrical & Systems EngineeringPostdoc, Cornell University
Sarah ThompsonPh.D. Student, Electrical & Systems EngineeringPostdoc, Sandia National Laboratory
Rebecca FishmanPh.D. Student, Physics
Winston PelosoMasters Student, PhysicsThouron Scholar at the University of Cambridge
Henry ShulevitzPh.D. Student, Electrical & Systems EngineeringElectric Boat
Alex BreitweiserPh.D. Student, Electrical & Systems EngineeringIBM
Caroline BrustoloniREU Student, Electrical EngineeringPenn State University
Ben PutnamREU Student, PhysicsLafayette College
Tzu-Yung HuangPh.D. Student, Electrical & Systems EngineeringPhotonic Integration Researcher, Nokia Bell Labs
Raj PatelPh.D. Student, Electrical & Systems EngineeringPhotonics Engineer, Nokia
Tong “Tori” DangMasters Student, Electrical EngineeringSingh Research Fellow, Singh Center
Leah NarunUndergraduate Student, Materials Science and EngineeringPh.D. Student, Stanford University
Erin SicilianoUndergraduate Student, Materials Science and EngineeringMasters Student, University of Pennsylvania
Xander UyttendaeleUndergraduate Student, CS and Physics
Abigail PoteshmanUndergraduate Student, Physics and MathPh.D. Student, University of Chicago
Jose A. MendezUndergraduate Student, CS and PhysicsPh.D. Student, University of Chicago
David HopperPh.D. Student, PhysicsSenior Technology Analyst at MITRE Engenuity
Benjamin PoratUndergraduate Student, Electrical EngineeringRaytheon Technologies
Joshua DouglasSubmatriculant, Department of Materials Science and EngineeringExxonMobile Research & Engineering
Annemarie ExarhosPostdoctoral ScholarAssistant Professor of Physics, Lafayette College
Ali GhorashiUndergraduate Student, PhysicsPh.D. Student, Physics, MIT

Richard GrotePostdoctoral ScholarRockley Photonics, Pasadena, CA
Parker HenryUndergraduate Student, Department of Physics & AstronomyPh.D. Student, Physics, Yale University
Alissa JohnsonUndergraduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied MechanicsPh.D. Student, Penn, Mechanical Engineering
Joseph LauiganMasters Student, Electrical EngineeringQuanergy Systems, Sunnyvale, CA
Ana LujanUndergraduate Student, Physics and BiochemistryQuantum sensing, nanodiamond chemistry
Christine McGinnUndergraduate Student, Swarthmore CollegePh.D. Student, Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
Rebecca MelkersonSingh Center REU Student, Washington and Lee UniversityNano-photonics, nanofabrication
Kameron OserGraduate Student, Electrical EngineeringQuantum information processing, low-dimensional materials
Sam ParksUndergraduate Student, Electrical EngineeringCEO, Sapient Industries
Melanie RehfussLRSM REU Student, Temple University Department of PhysicsPh.D. Student, Physics, Temple University
Sam TrossmanUndergraduate Student, Electrical EngineeringMagnetometry, diamond materials, device engineering