Amelia Klein

Ph.D. Student, Electrical Engineering

200 S. 33rd St
201 Moore Building
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Phone: (215) 898-8312
Fax: (215) 573-2068
Amelia received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University in 2018, where she worked on DNA sequencing through graphene-gated nanopores. At Penn, she is currently working on the inverse design of metasurfaces in diamond to improve the optical interfaces to NV centers. Amelia was awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in 2019.


Imaging a nitrogen-vacancy center with a diamond immersion metalens

Huang, T -Y; Grote, R R; Mann, S A; Hopper, D A; Exarhos, A L; Lopez, G G; Klein, A R; Garnett, E C; Bassett, L C

Imaging a nitrogen-vacancy center with a diamond immersion metalens Journal Article

Nature Communications, 10 (2392), 2019.

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